Youth Services

We’ve listed a few financial services below that we believe are a good fit for specific age groups, but of course every student is unique so parents/guardians should use their judgment in selecting the services that are right for their student.  However, we’re always happy to talk with you about any of these services!  Just call or stop in to any MEMBERS1st branch office.

For kids age 0-12:

Many parents open a savings account for their child at birth, and then don’t do much with it until their teenage years. We encourage you to keep your child’s account active, even if you’re only depositing small amounts, and bring your child to the credit union as often as you’re able. This will get them used to visiting the credit union, and will build their understanding of financial services.

For your student age 13-18:

If you haven’t already done so, establishing a savings account is the first step in building a strong financial foundation for your student. Simply the act of establishing an account can create a sense of accountability and the desire to learn more about financial responsibility.

Some students are ready for a free checking account as young as 13.  Our free debit card is a great complement to their checking account, plus they’ll have access to all of the free online banking and mobile app we offer so they can keep an eye on their accounts.

If they’re not quite ready for a checking account, a prepaid card loaded with their allowance may be a good start. They’ll learn how to manage their money while using a card, without any risk.

Adding our Virtual Coin Jar savings to your student’s checking account will not only make it easier to keep their account balanced, but it’s a great way to save for whatever they and you (their parent/guardian) decide is important.

Information about delayed card transaction postings. Learn more